Tuesday, 13 July 2010


Well, I suppose it should come as no great suprise that our country is in bed with the private sector. Labour was at least a little ashamed of itself, but the Tories are flaunting their love affair with the wicked witch of the West: capitalism.

The NHS reforms are truly an outrage to society, socialism and democracy. The reforms say GPs will act as commissioners- but its fairly obvious that the majority of GPs do not have either the skills or inclination for this difficult task. Therefore, the GPs' hands will be forced to look for help. And, in a predictable chain of events, the help will emerge in the shape of the private sector, who have been lurking in the shadows for many years waiting for this opportunity to further squeeze the NHS, to fund their mansions and growing savings accounts in Zurich.

It is also an incredible risk for our NHS to make these changes. However, its a win win for the Conservatives: if the scheme is a success, the NHS will be privatised, and if it fails, then the NHS will well and truly be privatised as it crumbles and the only option left is privatisation!

I know I go on about it all the time, but privatisation will breed inequalities. Inequalities in health is a serious issue, and I don't think private companies motivated by profit and with inequality written into their DNA, are best placed to tackle this problem. I give up. I really do. I don't know why I bother to breathe the word inequality anymore.

Other policies that are depressing me are these ridiculous FREE SCHOOLS projects. In one breath, the government invests loads of money to make new schools that will only benefit the middle class parents concerned for Tarquin and Jerrezzabelle's welfare. In another breath they cancel re-building or improving run down schools largely in areas of deprivation.

Furthermore, the 'BIG SOCIETY'. Where will we have the time to volunteer in our communities considering the only thing the government really value is WORK WORK WORK. It is such a ridiculous policy- encouraging people to take responsibility and putting the blame for society's ills on the doorstep of the individual. It is not the individual that created Capitalism. It is not the individual which made our society unequal. Sorry David, 'Big Society' is such a big pile of bullshit that ignores the structural inequalities in society to blame the individual for social ills. I just think you are wrong.

In my degree, I studied Thatcherism with a shocked and horrified but safe and comfortable interest. Surely those things couldn't happen now... Sadly, these days I am living in a policy nightmare, where each day serves up daily disappointment and despair.

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